Wednesday, June 3, 2009

We started JT on a schedule last night.

Night time = 7 PM - 7 AM - I let him sleep a little longer today. Don't know that I should have done that. Oops.

Nap 1 = 9 AM - 10:30 AM. I think (He's finally asleep after making noises every once in a while. It only took 40 min. ugh) I wrote too soon. He was asleep for about 20 minutes. Do I get him up or let him be?

Nap 2 = 12 PM - 1:30 PM, hopfully

Nap 3 = 3 PM - 4 PM, preferably

What do you with your little one during awake time other than change, feed, and burp him. I just started reading to mine Monday. He's five weeks old now.


Anonymous said...

tummy time, leg exercises and just love on him :D

Catina said...

Loving on him I got : ) I keep forgetting about tummy time. Leg exercises, got it. Although, he is super strong. He'll probably fight me on that one : ) Who ever heard of a baby being able to take out his mother if he wanted to. I might have a Samson here : )