Monday, June 1, 2009

I'm Back...

Continued from previous post...

He was hungry, so I fed him and put him back down just for him to wake up a couple minutes later. The following seems to work to calm him down:
Lay him on his left side. The left side is very important for JT. His right side didn't work at all. I digress. Lay him on his left side with his head in my hands and body on my legs, lightly jostle him by slightly moving my legs back and forth, and give him his pacifier. Yes, he finally decided he will take a pacifier, well at least some times : ) Those ideas all came from the dvd I previously mentioned.

Check out the website if you're interested. Also I picked it up at Baby, Mother, & More in Gilbert. Their website is Great store!!!

Well, he's sleeping for now at least. I better finish cleaning the bathrooms. It's amazing what you miss after having a baby. I miss being able to chose what day and time I do my cleaning. Now I'm begging for a time.

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