Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Make It Work

I don't know if anyone is like me, but I thrive on planning.  My problem is that when I plan I do all I can to stick to the plan.  I am working on it...

I have found that if the plan doesn't work REVISE it.

So today I have revised our weekly schedule.  

My children, well one child in particular, has been telling me that he doesn't have enough time to get his school work done.  So along with revising the schedule a tad, I also typed in times during the schedule that he could be doing "Independent work."  After doing that, I see at least four hours most days that he has time for independent work.  Hmmm....  No excuses!

Actually, highlighting areas will help me to make sure the most important activities in our day are accomplished.

What a blessing!  Revising and, if need be, going with the flow can make your day more pleasant.  If your day happens to be a bit wonky, adjust as you go.  It's not the end of the world if you don't get everything done that day.

Have a blessed day :)

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Shot in the Head

 This man was shot in the head about a year ago.  The bullet is still in his brain, but God...

Monday, September 9, 2024


Anxiety starts with being anxious and allowing it to fester.  

How do I combat it in a healthy manner?

1.  Breathe.

2.  Remember, this day shall pass.

3.  Give it to God.

That last one is the hardest to do.  Well, it's easy to do it, but it's REALLY hard to leave it in God's hands.

I always thought that it would get easier as my children got older.  They would be more responsible and be in charge of their own lives.  Now I realize that the older they get and the more responsibility they take on, the more I lack the control.  

This week has been full of anxiety.  I keep telling myself to breathe.  Then I remind myself that they will learn from whatever happens.  Finally, I give it to God.  He is amazing at taking the anxiety away.  Why can't I just leave it in His capable hands?!

Monday, August 19, 2024


 I remember a saying I heard a long time ago...

"If you want to hear God laugh, make plans."

I might as well join God in laughter :) 

I keep making plans, and then they change for one reason or another.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Electronics for Kids

My kids are playing on the computer and watching youtube and more.  I don't like it, but what can I do about it?  I don't think it's good, but what proof do I have?  When I do take electronics away for a time, life is so much nicer at home.  Can I just say, "No more electronics."?  Yes, I can.  

Here are a couple podcasts to give you a good footing to say just that.

for kids -

for teens -

I ended up listening to the one for kids while my children were in the car.  My teenage boy turns to me and tells me that he wants me to stop listening to this.  He proceeds to tell me that he will probably use this when he has children.  Score!!!  My son already understands.  I decided to listen to the teen one on our next drive.  Then at the beginning of school this year, I informed them that electronics were not be allowed during the school week except for school use.

Now what to do for the breaks.  I just need to have a back bone and not back down.

A Time for Work and a Time for "Home" Work

Well, a new school year is upon us.  

I taught for ten years in the public schools before stepping into motherhood full time.  During my last year of teaching, I weighed the pros and cons of homeschooling.  I could only come up with one con for homeschooling, and that is, I would not have any time to myself.  I decided I could be "selfless" for eighteen plus years.  

Yikes!!!  What did I get myself into!  Don't get me wrong...  I thoroughly enjoy teaching my children and building a relationship with each of them.  But sometimes it would be nice to leave my "job" at work and come home to "home" work.  Well, I am putting that into place this year.  There is a time for teaching, a time for grading, and a time for tutoring.  If you try to get me to do "work" during my time of rest or "home" work, I say, "Plan better next time."  It doesn't always work, but it is working MUCH better this year.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Embrace the Want

A few days ago, my husband said something and left the room.  I immediately started bawling.  I mean, I was sobbing.  I couldn't figure out who I was.  I don't cry over hurt feelings.  He didn't even say anything bad; he just told me he was going to get a pizza for lunch.  I was so hurt, I actually thought about telling him I wasn't going to go to a wedding that afternoon.

About an hour later, I went into our room and decided to veg.  I didn't want to think of anything.  I watched a show I was able to get lost in.  After the first episode ended, I was fine.  I wasn't hurt.  I definitely wasn't crying.  Who was that girl?!  Then it hit me.  I was stressed.  I allowed too much stress in my life.  

On our way to the wedding, I told my husband about the incident and explained that it was due to stress.  So he told me to think of things that are stressing me out and take out the least important things.  I almost immediately respond, "I could get rid of the kids."  Obviously, that is NOT going to happen.  But most of what stresses me out has to do with them.  So what am I supposed to do?

I listed different things, but a lot of those things I "need" to do.  The things I could give up, I don't want to.  I find joy in them for the most part.  So he told me to embrace the "want."   Huh?!  The want?!  Yes, I want to do things that are adding to my stress, so embrace it.  Ok.  That actually makes sense.  Kind of 🤣

So here is to embracing "The Want."