Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Make It Work

I don't know if anyone is like me, but I thrive on planning.  My problem is that when I plan I do all I can to stick to the plan.  I am working on it...

I have found that if the plan doesn't work REVISE it.

So today I have revised our weekly schedule.  

My children, well one child in particular, has been telling me that he doesn't have enough time to get his school work done.  So along with revising the schedule a tad, I also typed in times during the schedule that he could be doing "Independent work."  After doing that, I see at least four hours most days that he has time for independent work.  Hmmm....  No excuses!

Actually, highlighting areas will help me to make sure the most important activities in our day are accomplished.

What a blessing!  Revising and, if need be, going with the flow can make your day more pleasant.  If your day happens to be a bit wonky, adjust as you go.  It's not the end of the world if you don't get everything done that day.

Have a blessed day :)

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