Monday, July 29, 2024

A Time for Work and a Time for "Home" Work

Well, a new school year is upon us.  

I taught for ten years in the public schools before stepping into motherhood full time.  During my last year of teaching, I weighed the pros and cons of homeschooling.  I could only come up with one con for homeschooling, and that is, I would not have any time to myself.  I decided I could be "selfless" for eighteen plus years.  

Yikes!!!  What did I get myself into!  Don't get me wrong...  I thoroughly enjoy teaching my children and building a relationship with each of them.  But sometimes it would be nice to leave my "job" at work and come home to "home" work.  Well, I am putting that into place this year.  There is a time for teaching, a time for grading, and a time for tutoring.  If you try to get me to do "work" during my time of rest or "home" work, I say, "Plan better next time."  It doesn't always work, but it is working MUCH better this year.

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