Friday, January 21, 2011

December Journal

Wednesday, December 1

It's a little fuzzy, but it's the best pic of my two little ones and me :)

Friday, December 3

This baby's heart rate was 127 yesterday. My son's heart rate was usually between 150 and 160. Is 127 low? The other major difference is that I have heart burn a LOT more often. I think with my son, I had heart burn 2 or 3 times total. I've well surpassed that this time. (I wasn't worried about the heart rate really. I had just heard that most baby' with a low heart rate are boys, and I really think this one's a girl.)

Sunday, December 5

My son is now peeling his own Clementines and pulling the pieces apart to eat them. What 19 month old does that! He's growing up to fast!!! I love him :)

Joseph is now saying three and four word clauses. It won't be too long before he starts making sentences on a regular basis :)

Fun at the park in October :)

Flying planes, what fun :)

I got an early Christmas present :) Thanks for my fly swatter, Mom :)

Tuesday, December 7

Colin & Joseph reading together yesterday :)

Thursday, December 9

Grandpa Ivy and Joseph reading

Tackling Pop Pop

Playing Lego's with Cousins


Playing outside

Playing Ball

Fun at the AZ Science Center

Friday, December 10

Well, I guess my son's lack of sleep these past couple days finally caught up to him. He's now been asleep for 3 1/2 hours.

Saturday, December 11

Cookie Day at Mom's :)

Monday, December 13

My son woke just after 4am. I changed him and put him back to bed. But he never went back to sleep and he was LOUD. So I'm exhausted!!!

Joseph Jr & Colin slept from about 12:30-2:30 today :) I got some shut eye during that time too. I soooo needed it.

Wednesday, December 15

I'm taking a break from organizing more of my house to eat lunch. Beta's a little hungry :) I miss my little man, but I'm sure he's having a blast with his Grandma and Pop Pop :)

Pop Pop commented:  JT had fun playing in Meka's water. First lets see if her dog food sinks or floats. Then lets see what other items do, like balls, play tools, and my guess is he got his arms and legs wet from retrieving those items that sink (Her water bowl, is a 5 gal bucket).

Grandma Ivy commented:  He is inquisitive like his father. At least he did not saw off a table leg like his granpa Jesse!

Thursday, December 16

Taking a break for an early lunch :)
I guess I better get back to work :) I'm getting so much done. The feeling of being organized is so amazing!!!

I need to take another break. I'm pretty much done with my babies room assuming there aren't a lot of things in the rest of the house that needs to go in there. Our room is almost done too :) Next I move to the kitchen, then the dining room, then lastly the living room. I hope to get it all done today, but that's highly unlikely.
Hopefully tomorrow I'll have lots of energy and can finish it all off and get the laundry and cleaning done also. God speed!

Another photo from Cookie Day :)

Sunday, December 19

What a happy day :)

What an adventure!

Thursday, December 23

Praying for safety and health for all my family and friends this Christmas and through the New Year.

I have the best husband ever :) I am blessed more and more each day. I praise God for such an amazing godly man :)
As Theresa and some others would understand... I found my Darin :) Love you, Theresa. I'm so happy for you two :)

I'm so excited about this book. I'll have to set my other books aside, so I can read this one before the baby comes :)

Friday, December 24

Keeping the fam in prayer. We'll be missing a couple tonight, but I'm thankful they're doing better. Rest up. You'll be missed. Love you.

Saturday, December 25

I just wrote a long explanation of everything that my son and I went through this morning and it's gone. Huh! Maybe it's for the better. So here it is, short and sweet or sour. Joseph Jr woke with a 103.6 temp at 4am. I gave him medicine and placed a cold washcloth on his head as he watched Barney. I took his temp again at 4:40am and it was down to 101.1. Praise God! I'm still waiting for it to go down more though.
Other than the fever, he doesn't have any other signs of sickness. We have two places to go today. Maybe my husband will go by himself to the first one. But the second is with my husband's family. And we haven't been at a get together with them since May. What do I do?! Maybe I'll contact them and see if they're ok with us coming over still. That's if his fever is down and he still shows no other signs of sickness.
We did go :) It was very nice. I miss them. I hope we're all able to get together more often.

You'd swear my son didn't have a fever with the way he's carrying on.
I'm exhausted but not my little man. You'd think he just awoke from hibernation.

Joseph Jr took a short nap, about one hour from 8:45-9:40am. I got to sleep a bit too, thankfully. Now my husband is at his friend's for the first part of Christmas day. Our son's fever has gone down but is tired and cranky now. He so wants to play, but he's not up to it yet. I have to keep telling him to lay down. Poor little guy :(

After all the chaos of today with my son's fever and all, my mom asked me tonight if he might be teething. For the life of me I couldn't figure out what would give him a fever but nothing else. He probably is getting his two year molars. That just took a lot of stress of my back :)
Poor kids. No wonder we don't have many memories early in life. Too much trauma! :)

We've been so careful with my son's arms since he has gotten his elbow pulled out a few times. September was the last time until tonight :( I figured I better get to fixing his elbow without thinking about it too hard. If I didn't, I'd syke myself out. I did it and felt a little pop. It was much easier than I thought it would be :) Within a few seconds he was using his right arm once again. Praise God!!!

I did miss Joseph's second family's get together :( But Joseph had a good time there without us. I also had to pass on my cousin's Game Night :( I had been looking forward to that since he messaged me about it. Being awake since 4am with a fever ridden child and not getting home until late tonight didn't bode well for me to go. I pray they have a great time :)

Sunday, December 26

I love it when my son says, "Blanket." It takes out the guess work of 'should I put him down now or wait 30-60 min.' Gotta love it :)

I've got to get to bed. I'm praying my son sleeps until 7:30 like he did this morning :) May all of you have a fabulous night sleep/rest.

Monday, December 27

My son woke around 6:15 am this morning but stayed pretty quiet until I got him up around 7:15am. That was one of the best presents he could have given me :)

My son climbed out of his tent by himself for the first time ever. He's growing up :( He was supposed to be taking a nap, so I put him back to bed. I think he's sleeping now. hmmm...

They are cousins. My husband and brother both have long eyelashes. The boys got them. I wonder if our girls will. :)

Joseph in his new dog blanket :)

Thursday, December 30

Just a reminder: Game Night at our house tomorrow night. Starts at 7pm. Bring a snack to share. Let me know if you can make it :)

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