Sunday, February 22, 2009

Third Trimester

I love the Third Trimester!!! Everyone has told me the second trimester is the best, but I HAVE to disagree. In the first trimester, I was exhausted all the time, and it took forever. In the second trimester, I caught everyone's sickness. I had painful leg swelling issues, blood pressure problems, and possible glucose issues. So the second trimester was by far my worst trimester even though it seemed to go by faster than the first. The third trimester started and other than stretchmarks and going to bed around 8:30 pm, I'm amazing!!!! I love this. I look pregnant. I feel the baby kicking throughout the day. I have a boost of energy when I get home from work to organize my house. I have even gotten a lot organized at school for when my long term sub takes over. And my husband felt the baby kick. Life is good : ) I have about 10 weeks left until the debut of Baby Ivy. I am looking forward to that time in my life, but I'm doing all that I can to enjoy the last couple months with my husband and no children to look after. I've learned that in life. Enjoy the time at hand while looking forward to what is to come : )

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I am so glad you are enjoying your third trimester!! Keep up that positive attitude! Baby Ivy will be here before long now! :)