Monday, June 24, 2024

Why Can't I Find a Good Man?!

I wish I was taught this when I was young...

Most girls grow up wanting to marry a man who is kind, giving, loyal, protective, and financially secure.
They tend to have a list that encompasses much more than that, but the things above are what they really want.

What those girls don't understand is that you need to be a woman that type of man wants.  
Are you loyal?  Are you caring?  Do you show your parents respect?  If you don't respect your parents, chances are you won't respect your man.  

Ladies, dress the part.  Are you dressing to attract lustful men or a man who desires a wholesome woman?  Act like a woman that type of man would want to wake up next to for the rest of his life.  

Respect yourself.  If you don't respect yourself, don't expect anyone else to.  

Know your value, your true value.  It's better to be single your entire life than married to the wrong man.

Ask your creator who your spouse is.  And wait for him.  While you're waiting, follow God's plan as a single person.  There is so much you can do when you don't have any ties to another.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Next School Year

Wow!!!  This summer has flown by.  It seems like next school year is almost upon us.  I am prepping to teach three classes that meet 1-2 times per week.  I've gotten two classes mostly prepped.  The schedules are done, but I still have some lessons to plan in one and recording in another.  The third class should be fairly easy to prep; fingers crossed :)

I don't think the children understand.  They get a break.  Teachers don't!

And with homeschooling, there are not many repeat lessons.  Each year we teachers start from scratch.  Well, at least the schedule is done, so that should make the following school year a smidge easier to prep as long as I teach the same types of classes.  But Lit will be more difficult to schedule for sure.  Remember:  One year at a time 😐

Monday, June 10, 2024


 What direction should I go?

Remember, whichever way you choose to turn, you can always turn back as long as you still have breath.

Steps to turn your life around:

1)  Humble yourself

2)  Ask for forgiveness

3)  Accept the free gift offered you

4)  Keep your eyes on Him; He won't leave you.

Hint:  If you notice your eyes have wandered, put them back on Him.

Much love 💞

Monday, June 3, 2024

That Time of Life

 Baby - all their needs are given to them; they can't do anything on their own

Toddler - the world is theirs; everything is new

early elementary - branching out; making friends

upper elementary - testing the waters; what can I do

junior high - pushing boundaries; what can't I do

high school - on top of the world; it's all about me

college/early 20s - it's a brand new world; I'm in charge

mid - late 20s - switch flips; seeing the dangers and downfalls

30s - a new way of life; starting a family

40s - best of times; but the body starts going down hill

50s - even better times; but losing family and friends more quickly now

60s - grandkids; saying bye to so many

70s - enjoy life; 10-30 more yrs

80s - settle down and live; let others come to you

90s - smile & enjoy all that you helped bring into being; giving others a chance to say goodbye

100s - nice; I've lived this long; what's stopping me now :)

No matter what stage of life you are in... Remember, God is always there; just ask.