Monday, September 21, 2009

Naps update

JT is waking once during the night but going back to sleep without nursing. It just takes me an hour to get him to go back to sleep. Every time he falls asleep and I lay him down, he wakes up again. I'm looking forward to him not waking during the night at all, but he has majorly wet or dirty diapers when he does wake. Since I'm giving him cereal for dinner, when should I give it to him?

He's not doing great with napping. At least today was difficult. Maybe tomorrow will be better. We'll see. I'm praying : ) I really want to get my house cleaned and neat and keep it that way, but the only way I can do that is to get him to take naps. I'm too tired at night to do anything much. I'm a morning person, so when Bubby sleeps through the night I might be able to get up early and do some work : ) That would be grand. I would love spending Bubby awake time playing with him without thinking about all the stuff I have to do. One of these days : )

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