Monday, January 26, 2009

Glucose Testing

I just found out today that my glucose testing came back about 7 points too high. Now I have to go in for the three hour test Thursday morning. My mom told me I shouldn't eat any breads as they can be a cause of high blood sugar. That put me into a depression quick. I was thinking I am pretty good with cutting back on my bread intake and then I remembered that I eat cereal every morning. I guess I'll have to get up a little earlier and make myself an egg or two. But seriously what am I supposed to eat if I can't eat breads or anything with salt? That leaves me with fruits, raw vegetables, and some meats.


Depressed and Wining : (


Carrie said...

Oh man...sorry to hear about the glucose test. That orange drink is awful isn't it? I'll keep you in prayer.

Catina said...

Thank you for the prayers. I actually had the fruit punch drink. It wasn't bad. From what I hear about the orange drink, I hope I get the fruit punch one again : )