Sunday, October 31, 2010

10 Spot

1.  I'm changing my '10 spot' to the way it was originally intended.  And I'll add another blog for "journal".

2.  My son woke with a small cold Friday.  He's had one before, but this one made him Cranky!  Thankfully he woke up in a much better mood Saturday.  I don't know if I could have taken one more day of his wining and crying.  I was going batty!  More than not being able to take it, I'm glad he's doing better.  I hate being sick, but I hate it more when my son is sick.

3.  I have a couple girlfriends who are pregnant.  So I have some things I was planning on selling that I'm now giving to them.  I much prefer passing on things to friends and family then selling them.  Although it is nice to get a little extra cash now and again.  But the feeling just isn't the same.

4.  I was going to work on potty training my son the other day.  But I had a dr's appt scheduled for the same day :(  Not a good thing.  On top of that, it's a LOT of energy to potty train your little one.  Energy is one thing I drastically lack these days.  My mom asked me how it was going and I told her my woes.  She offered to help one day we came over to visit :)  What a great mom!

5.  I love my son dearly and I wouldn't trade him for the world.  That said, I do need time to get my house organized and decluttered.  Having him around makes that job extremely difficult.  So my mom and Bob offered to watch Joseph for a few days.  I'm so excited!!!  A week from Monday will be my first day or organization and decluttering  : )

6.  We've been looking for a new church since April.  We're probably going to be going to either Bethany Bible or Pure Heart.  They both have a service at 9am and 11am.  The 9am works better for us but I believe our friends at both churches go to the 11am service.  So we'll probably by ourselves again.  Oh well :(

7.  I found a new blog I enjoy reading.  My Uncle Chuck definitely has an opinion and is not afraid to state it :)  The one's I've read and commented on I pretty much agree with.  I'd say he's a pretty smart fellow :)

8.  My son has a bite on his chin.  Let me at whatever bit him!  I can't find the culprit anywhere.

9.  We had an adjuster come out yesterday.  We should hear soon how much we'll be getting for all the damage.  Looks like we may have to get a new AC, possibly roof which was just replaced less than a year ago, window screen, and a new fence.

10.  Due to the electricity going out Friday and my son's cold, I rescheduled our Costume/Game Night for November 13.  That'll be after I get a few days to organize and declutter too :)




Carrie said...

Our first attempt at potty training was a bust. It does take an extreme amount of energy!
When I was living in Phoenix, I attended Living Streams and loved it
I really like Pastor Buckley's style.
Love the pictures! Miss you!

Catina said...

Thanks for the church recommendation. If my husband's open to checking out another church, we just might go there :) Did you have a second attempt at potty training? Miss you too. Our doors are always open to you :)