1. September 21
Yesterday I dusted the fans, which desperately needed it, and vacuumed. During the entire time, my son followed me around, found a spot to sit, and read a book. It was so darling :) I love that boy so much.2. September 23
My son is 17 mo. He is wearing 2T separates and 4T one pieces, ie. footed pajamas. What is up with that? I actually bought a bumble bee costume for him to wear that fits up to 36 mo old toddlers. It was too small. But I got a pic :)
3. September 26
Yesterday was yard sale day! Made more money than I thought but not close to as much as I hoped. It was well worth it though. I got to spend all morning and early afternoon with two of my older cousins, two of my younger cousins, two of my second cousins, my son, my hubby, and my beautiful god mother :) So worth it :) Gave some left over stuff to Good Will. Giving baby stuff to a friend who's due in March :) And selling the rest on Craig's List.
4. September 26
Yesterday Joseph Jr woke at 4:48am soaking wet! I cleaned him up, changed him, and laid him back down to sleep until 7am. Some of his cousins joined us around 6am when I finally decided to get him up; he was talking the whole time before that anyway. He had a blast with his cousins and was bummed when he woke from his 11am nap to no cousins. He was searching everywhere for them. Thanks everyone :)
4b. Thursday, September 30 I had my big ultrasound. We're waiting to find out our little one's gender.
5. October 4
Joseph Jr is a hit in VT. He loves his grandpa, wants to be everywhere he is from the minute he wakes up to the minute he goes to sleep. He's having a blast with his Aunt Bea. They love dancing together. He fell in love with Olivia right away, wanted to sit on her lap and do whatever she was doing. He also had a blast at his Great Grandma, GG, and Great Grandpa's house. Joseph Jr's has something about him that you just can't help but love him :)
6. October 4
Yesterday, my dad, Joseph Jr, and I went for a walk down the beautiful country road with the lake on one side and the mountains on the other side. Joseph kept stopping and picking up leaves of all different colors. On the way back, Joseph was too tired to walk so dad put him on his shoulders. He was loving one minute and sleeping on dad's head the next :) I wish I got a pic of him sleeping. It was too cute :)
7. October 5
Joseph got to bed a bit late last night after spending the evening with Jan and her family. He had a blast but was conked out soon after hitting his car seat. He woke at 12:30am with a massively wet diaper. I changed him and put him back to bed. He stayed awake talking until about 4:30am. Then woke at 8am. I was caught up on sleep but not any more :( Oh well, at least he's enjoying his time here and taking a long nap now :)
8. October 6
Joseph Jr made it past 12:30am last night. He slept all the way until 1:30am. Then decided to finally go back to sleep at 5am. Momma's dragging a bit today. I think I'll be taking a nap this afternoon when I put him down again :)
9. October 7
Joseph woke just before 12am last night crying. I got up quickly and held him in my arms for a little while. After changing him and holding him a little while longer, he went back to his little tent. Not long after he started singing. What a joy that was to hear :) Within 15 min he was asleep. He woke periodically throughout the night but was asleep again within seconds. He finally rose about 8am. I got much more sleep then the past two nights. Thank God!
10. Something I got on email that I thought was cute :)
From one pumpkin to another!!!!!!!A woman was asked by a coworker,'What is it like to be a Christian?'The coworker replied, 'It is like being a pumpkin.' God picks you from the patch, brings you in,and washes all the dirt off of you. Then He cuts off the top and scoops out all the yucky stuff.He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, and greed. Then He carves you a new smiling face andputs His light inside of you to shine for all the world to see.'This was passed on to me by another pumpkin. Now it's your turn to pass it to other pumpkins.
11. October 14
I've been feeling the baby kick quite often now :) I think this one will be more mobile than his/her big brother :)
12. Joseph Jr has been sleeping irregular hours at night. I do love it when he sleeps through the night though :) Last night he slept from 7pm-6:30am. YEAH!!!! It's just sad that it's a rarity these days.
13. Joseph went on his first hay ride Friday, October 8. He loved the lights in the night sky, stars. I don't know that he ever saw them before. It turns out it was a haunted hay ride. But he wasn't scared at all. He was mesmerized with all the commotion. He was on my dad's shoulders through the haunted parts. As soon as he took him off, he fell fast asleep. It was too precious :)
14. Before the hayride, Joseph Jr and I helped set it up and then went to watch Jonna, my god daughter, play soccer. She did really well. And what a beautiful young lady. She's got a good head on her shoulders too :)

14. Before the hayride, Joseph Jr and I helped set it up and then went to watch Jonna, my god daughter, play soccer. She did really well. And what a beautiful young lady. She's got a good head on her shoulders too :)
15. I helped at one of the stations for the haunted hay ride Saturday night. I enjoyed spending time with everyone there. I love that family. They mean a whole lot to me :) Such blessings.
16. Yesterday, I got to see a good friend and her daughter. Joseph Jr and I met them at the playground next to their house. We caught up on each others lives while my son and Raven played together. Raven sure is growing up to be a beautiful young lady.
17. My dad's back is giving him major problems. He's been laid up for two days now. The previous days he was able to do things intermittently. Please pray for a complete and quick recovery.

18. Wednesday, October 13 my dad took Joseph Jr and I out on the boat for Joseph Jr's first boat ride. He loved it :)

19. Joseph Jr made a new friend, Bob :) He loves to dance with Bob, tackle him, and tie his shoes :)

18. Wednesday, October 13 my dad took Joseph Jr and I out on the boat for Joseph Jr's first boat ride. He loved it :)
19. Joseph Jr made a new friend, Bob :) He loves to dance with Bob, tackle him, and tie his shoes :)
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