2. I've been more conscious of my position while standing. I think I'm finally able to hold the correct position until I bend at the waist. I still haven't figured that out :(
3. We need a new bed frame. Ours has been broken for quite some time now. Joseph's holding it up with a jack and some books as a precaution the jack breaks. I think a new frame will help us sleep better :(
4. Joseph has been working on getting the bees out of our backyard. It's taking a LOT longer than I think he thought it would take. Until they're gone, he won't mow the backyard. I don't want to go out their now afraid the bees will attack due to the way Joseph is going about getting rid of them. In some areas the weeds are about up to my waist. Crazy :) He did say there were a lot fewer bees than before :) Oh, they're under our shed.
5. I feel horrible for skipping church Sunday!!!! I can give all kinds of excuses but when it comes down to it, I chose to stay home and make the angel eggs I promised to bring to my nephew's birthday party instead of go to church. That is just horrible!!!! I know God will forgive me. I just have to forgive myself and make sure it doesn't happen again. On the upside Bubby was able to sleep 9-11am.
6. We had Karaoke night Saturday night :) It was a lot of fun, but we all left early. We were exhausted. It's nice being able to hang out with my girl cousin's again :)
7. Bubby and I missed our play date on Saturday with a bunch of the other cousins :( He's been going in spurts with his naps. Saturday he slept from 9am-noon. He did cut another tooth last week. I think some more might be coming in. Maybe that's why he's been sleeping more. Don't get me wrong, I'm not apposed to it for the most part.
8. I'm supposed to start working in the nursery at church once a month. I'll let you know how that goes :)
9. I post some things on FB the day they happen but want to wait until the next Tuesday to post them here :) Each week they may be added differently. But for this week they'll all be together in #10 since so much has happened :)
10. a) Bubby is climbing on things like it's going out of style. He climbs onto a bench to climb on the table. What to do?! Thankfully it's his little picnic table not our kitchen table, but that's to come soon the way he's going. I love him so much.
b) My Bubby pointed at something he wanted for the first time last week :) What a joy it is when you know you are able to give your little one something they want/need. (It was his sippy cup with water.)
c) This one's for all those mothers with more than one child. As my son get's older, he is more independent and easier to take care of. He is such a blessing. But I see now how having more than one little one would be more than twice as much "trouble". But oh the love you get in return is so worth it :) Many blessings.
1 comment:
wow, let me know how Joseph gets rid of the bees! I have a bee infestation in my front yard and I don't have a clue how to go about it. JT is so cute!
Love you!
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