2. The three of us went to a beautiful wedding at the Japanese Friendship Garden in downtown Phoenix Saturday night. I always thought pink for bridesmaids was cruel, but they looked beautiful. The pink ribbon laced down the back of the brides dress tied it all together perfectly :) It was a very nice wedding and a beautiful place for pictures.
3. Bubby is a pro at sippy cups now :)
4. I baked some sweet potatoes for Bubby and then cut them into 2"x3" pieces. He ate three of them!
5. He was so cute. Just a few minutes ago he was reaching out his pointer finger to me. I kissed it. Then he touched his lips with the same finger. He did that about three times. The fourth time though he touched his ear :) I guess he needed three kisses on his lips and one on his ear :)
6. I was smart today. I cut up his fruits and veggies during his naps. This cut out a LOT of fussing :)
7. I went to a cousin's house yesterday and met another cousin there. All of our kids played and had a blast as did the adults. I think we're planning on doing it once a week. That'll be so nice :)
8. I never understood why anyone would want an umbrella stroller until last week. I really need to get one. This way I won't have to lug out the jogging stroller for quick simple tasks to and from places.
9. My son no longer tells me when he's messed in his diaper. He wants to play too much. I'm hoping that he'll be potty trained around one year old :) I know. I know. I can always hope :)
10. Bubby has had problems with his bum. It started out with bacteria, a yeast infection, and inflamation. He started clearing up right away, but then other problems occurred. I finally went to the doctor again and they said the problem now is laundry detergent. I knew that was a possibility but I was hoping it was the tomatoes in the lasagna. Looking back on it, I'm glad it's not tomatoes. I had just washed all his diapers. So he wore disposable while I washed them all again in other detergent.
1 comment:
gosh is he getting big!!!
If he can alert you to when he's going, that's half the battle of potty training right there!
Love you!
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