2. My back has been feeling much better than the past couple weeks :) It still has a way to go, but I'm feeling confident that the pain will go away.
3. Joseph rearranged the living room for me :) Our "living" area is smaller to make room for a play area for Bubby. He loves it and so do I. Now I don't have to chase him all over trying to keep him away from the cords and stuff in the living room. Yeah!
4. I made yams the other day for Bubby. I cut them up into large chunks for later. Well later came and I put one on Bubby's plate. Before I got a chance to cut it into smaller pieces, he grabbed it and ate 2/3 of it. Don't get in between that boy and his food :)
5. Too much going on. It's now Wednesday evening. I need to get this blog done :)
6. Went to Bubby's pediatrician appt yesterday. I was a day early! Go figure. I still haven't gotten all my brain cells back from being pregnant. Still breastfeeding. Maybe that's what it is. Who knows...
7. Today's appt left Bubby crying :( He got his flu and H1N1 shot today. His iron level is ok. They also did a TB test. I think that a negative but I have to wait a little while longer to know for sure.
8. Bubby is 20% for weight, 90% for height, and has a small head. That's what the doc said at least.
9. Bubby is cutting his two front top teeth. No wonder he's been a bit cranky in the evenings lately.
10. I think I figured something out about my back. My back muscles tighten up when I'm stressed, and hearing Bubby cry definitely stresses me out :(
Susanna loves these pictures of Joseph! She points and squeals every time I open up your blog!
We have to get them together :) I miss you.
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