2. My upper back and neck have been giving me issues this past week, so my lower back and left side have been suffering more :(
3. A friend of mine is making a cookbook to sell to help raise awareness and funds to help families like hers who have outrageous medical bills due to Fatty Acid oxidation Disorders. She is asking for non-fat or low fat recipes. If you have any and are willing to share, please pass them my way.
4. Another friend of mine mentioned she had a miracle take place while in a 1 1/2 hour praise and worship service. During the service she felt a cold sensation followed a little while later by a hot sensation on one of her shoulders. It wasn't until later when she was looking in the mirror that she realized her shoulders were aligned. She's had a touch of scoliosis for the past 25 years and for weeks and weeks she's had minor back pain. She said that she didn't pray for the healing. It just came. I mentioned to my mother about this miracle. You know mothers are a lot smarter than we give them credit :) She told me that God wants us to commune with Him. And praise and worship is a BIG part of that. Praying for things is good, but not alone. My friend who just had this miracle began her blog by mentioning that she never used to like praise and worship time. And she'd always sing really low as to not offend anyone around her with her voice. She's now done a 180. I used to like praise and worship as a child and even into my early to mid 20s, but it's been hit and miss since then. I definitely started singing a lot softer since high school or junior high. Don't know that that'll change. But my friend did make a good point. God loves our voice whether on key or not. To Him it's a sweet sweet sound :) I'm for one glad loves me no matter what. I need to start singing praises to Him more often. I have been praying that God help me raise my son to know Him and this is one way for me to do that. In the car and at home, I'll be playing the kids praise and worship songs. My son will grow up with a love for praising God.
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
5. If you want the skinny of it, skip down to the third paragraph.
I'm not big on New Year's Resolutions. I just think for the most part they don't stick. However, I am big on Lent. No, I'm not Catholic but most of my family is. So I usually find out through them when it is. It didn't dawn on me until about 10 years ago that I could participate in Lent even though I wasn't Catholic. Last year I some how missed the beginning of it, so I didn't participate at all. Bummer :( Well, this year I might just start sooner :) The reason I like Lent so much for me is that I, for the most part, keep it going even after it ends. One year I decided to stop drinking soda. I was never really into caffeinated soda anyway. So when I gave it up, I didn't have the caffeine attacks. To this day, I still don't drink soda much. One year for Lent, I gave up watching American Idol. Now that was difficult. My family and friends talked about it a lot. I couldn't participate though :( But now I can watch it or not. I'm not addicted like I was before :) Another year, I gave up hot chocolate. That year I didn't really have an addiction to anything else. Rarely drank soda or ate chocolate, wasn't anything I couldn't live without on TV, really couldn't think of anything else. I was drinking 1-3 cups of hot chocolate a day, so I gave that up. Now I rarely drink hot chocolate. But I do enjoy a cup now and again :) Sorry for the tangent.
Ok. One more tangent but only to get to what my plan is :) One summer I was dancing 4-5 nights a week and spending as little money as possible. If you don't know, that will get you to lose weight. I didn't know! At the end of the summer I had dropped about two sizes. I could fit into size 8. Yah, my 5'9" frame. Well, I didn't want to gain the weight back, so I kept from going back to my bad eating habits when school started up again. Teaching, that is. If there was any food left over among the teachers, they would usually give it to me. I ate it because I didn't want it to go to waste. That was a difficult thing to change. I had to say No, thank you. Wow! It wasn't as hard as I thought not to eat sweets. My mom even offered to go get the icecream and/or pay for it and pizza. I declined!!! I just kept thinking I didn't want to gain all that weight back. If I did, I figured I'd end up gaining even more. We'll when I started dating Joseph, I started eating like him and as much as him. Shortly after we were married, I gained it all back and more! Ugh!!! I finally started working out again to lose that awful weight. Then I got pregnant. But that wasn't the worst of it. I ended up getting major back and leg pain which prevented me from doing any activity for about a year now. My back is getting better but I'm still not able to even take a walk down the street without pain. So I figure instead of waiting for my pain to be gone to eat right, I should start now.
Ok. I need to be organized and have a plan. When my phlegmatic side kicks in, my organization goes to pot and my plan starts to deteriorate. So I first need to practice on keeping my phlegmatic side from interfering with my organization :) My plan is to
a) organize my house/garage (once that's done, things will run smoother)
b) watch less tv - don't turn it on unless there is something I want to watch (I'll need my husband's help with that since I only watch tv at night)
c) Study the book, Photoshop Elements for Dummies, that my husband got me. My end all goal is to join my husband's business in that I would be putting together picture "movies".
d) change my eating habits (maybe I'll start blogging about what healthy things I eat each day... I just said maybe :) I'm sure there's someone who might want some other ideas of healthy meals; I know I would. So if you are one of those people that already eats healthy food that's not difficult to cook; I'll join your blog :) If I don't hear from you, I guess I'll have to do all the leg work myself. That's ok. It'll be worth it.) First things first, healthy deserts only. I'd much prefer to have plain yogurt and blueberries than chocolate anyway.
6. I think #5 should actually be 5-10; but for those that think I'd be cheating, I guess I'll just have to add some more to Ten on Tues.
7. The three of us went to the park with my brother, his son, a cousin of mine, and his three kids yesterday. It was a lot of fun :) I think we'll have to do that more often.
8. There is something in the works for June. It'll be just for me, but I'm concerned about being judged. So I'm not comfortable with sharing it right now. That is one thing I need to overcome, caring about what judgmental people think. I'm sure most if not all of you reading this would just think that it's great, so I'm not necessarily talking about you.
9. Bubby and I went to visit CW again today. It was a pretty short visit but very pleasant :)
10. There are only a handful of people that I don't like, mainly because I can't trust them as far as I can throw them. It doesn't usually cause a problem except when they're around those you love. You can't help but get a wrenching feeling in your gut. But all you can do is pray that those you love are safe from the one that is untrustworthy.

I just found out that today is Fat Tuesday. So tomorrow is Lent. Go figure. I guess I better get my plan together quick :)
I guess my official thing for Lent will be replacing desserts with yogurt and fruit or something like that. I'd appreciate it if you'd help hold me to it :) Thanks.
At least you have a phlegmatic side!! haha...I think I scored one point in that column!
I have a recipe for your friend for oatmeal muffins:
1 cup milk
1 cup quick oats
1 egg
1/4 cup applesauce (instead of oil)
1 cup flour
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
(few shakes of cinnamon)
combine milk and oats- let soak 15 min
combine all ingredients
350 degrees for appx 25 min or until toothpick comes out clean.
((Great with stews/soups/chili. Not sweet muffins, but hearty and satisfying!))
Also, I've been replacing all oil in cakes/muffins/baked goods with applesauce. A much healthier alternative while baking!
Thank you for the recipe :) S what are you? Melancholy and Sanguine :)
Carrie, I just now read your comment on your blog as to you being Choleric and Melancholy. I don't see the Choleric. Do you just have the good Choleric parts :) Love you.
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