Two years ago my wonderful husband bought me P90X after I told him I wanted to do that workout. Well, it turned out I couldn't do it due to my back. I was unable to workout for about three years. Now after having my second child, my back is almost 100%. I just had to get motivated. (Those of you that know me, know I am a planner.) So last night I added an event into my phone calendar to do P90X. Well, I did it, and it kicked my butt!
I started out with Core Synergistics. I was appalled by how much I used to be able to do and now can't do :( I couldn't keep up with those on the dvd, but I kept moving. It felt good to sweat and feel some muscle soreness. Tomorrow is Cardio. We'll see how well my heart holds up. I do need a better bra especially for cardio. If you have any suggestions, please let me know :)
I hope this will be the motivation I need to start eating better. I really need to get rid of my belly fat. A combination of eating right and working out should do the trick. Then I need to stick with it even through pregnancy.
what's the update on this?!! I wish I had the energy to do this. I see the infomercials and I want that body, just don't have the umph to get there. :(
Sorry, I just now saw your comment. I still have yet to start up again. I keep thinking about it. It's hard since I'm still unpacking. But if I wait for a great time to start up again, I'll never do it. I only have a few months more months before I get pregnant again, so I BETTER start soon :)
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