Friday, November 5, 2010

10 Spot

1.  I'm working on training my two year old.  I've learned that there are two important things in training.  1. Be consistent and 2. don't get emotional

2.  I'm trying to patiently wait to hear from my insurance about the cost of all the damage.  Oh, it's really difficult though !!!

3.  I finally get to spend a Saturday with my hubby :)  It's the first weekend he hasn't had a gig since we've been back.  It's not that we have anything special happening.  I just like being around him :)

4.  I am so looking forward to Sunday night :)  I should get a decent amount of sleep before my organizing the house begins :)  YEAH!!!

5.  I'm trying to incorporate reading for myself into every day.  I think Joseph Jr seeing me read will help keep him excited about reading to.  Plus it helps renew me and re-energize me for the rest of the day.  I'm currently reading "No Greater Joy" Volume Two by Michael & Debi Peart.

6.  I love being married to my husband.  The beginning was ROUGH!!!  It got better as time went on.  Now being married five and a half years, I can finally say that I enjoy giving my husband what he desires.  Knowing where we started and where we are, I can't help but get so excited about where we'll be in ten years, one year, or even one month.

7.  My heart brakes as more families are torn apart.  There is so much pain and unhappiness in the world, why make it worse by blocking God out of your life.  I truly believe that if every marriage was centered on God, there would be no divorce.

8.  Joseph and I still haven't decided what part our children will have in Halloween.  I figure we'll have to decide before next October.  I'd like to decide now.  He says we have a whole year to decide.  Ugh :(

9.  I am so blessed to be a stay-at-home mom.  I am the one raising my child and teaching him as well as getting all the laughs and smiles that come each day :)

10.  There are two things that I'm contemplating.  1.  potty training a baby - no diapers needed  2. homeschooling


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