1. I've started watching my nephew Colin on Mondays again :) Joseph and he get along pretty well. It's a pleasure watching him. I hope I can continue after the baby is born.
2. Joseph Jr and I spent Thanksgiving at my aunt and uncle's house in New Mexico. We had a fabulous time. It snowed the night before Thanksgiving, so Joseph got to play in the snow :)
3. Organizing the house went really well, but I still have more to do. I think my mom & Bob will be watching Joseph again for a few days next week, so I can get more done. We'll see. I have to double check with them still. If not, I may have to wait until January to continue my organizing. Joseph's room is below.
4. I started Christmas shopping. I hope to be done Tuesday. It may be wishful thinking though.
5. I'm excited about the toys I got for Joseph. They were each only five dollars since they were used. One is a truck with a,b,c and # blocks on the back. They twirl but do not come off :) The other present is a tiger with a clock on his belly. He loves clocks. So now he'll have his own to play with :)
6. Joseph Jr and I Skyped with my dad and Bea last week. It was a great time. I hope we'll be able to do that more often :)
7. Joseph learned how to make a snow angel :)
8. My husband is no calling Joseph by the name of Alpha and the new baby by the name of Beta.
9. Beta is kicking and rolling around often throughout the day. I like feeling her move :)
10. I'm looking forward to cookie day at my mom's house.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
November Journal
Monday, November 1
Friday, November 12
Tuesday, November 16
Joseph has decided it's time to change nicknames for our children. Joseph Jr, Bubby, will now be called Alpha. And the baby in my belly is known as Beta :) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_alphabet
Saturday, November 20
My son has gone back to waking early, so my rest is not great :(
Sunday, November 21
Joseph got up early with our son today, so I got to sleep in :) I gotta love that man.
I'm working on the last of the boxes of papers and such to sort. It's coming along but is taking much longer than I thought. Pray for God speed :)
Most of you know that I don't like Walmart and do almost everything I can not to go there. That being said, their Parents' Choice diapers are the best I've found. This is my son's diaper after drinking two cups of water/juice.

Monday, November 22
Joseph Jr eating a pretzel with his foot :)
My son loves "bumping" now :) He'd much rather bump than give a high five.
We Skyped with my dad and Bea Sunday. Joseph was excited to see them but pretty quiet. I think he'll get more talkative the more we use it :)
Fun with Colin today :)
Thursday, November 25
Blessings to all on this Thanksgiving Day :) Enjoy!
I love all my family and wish we could be in more than one place at a time. You're in our thoughts and prayers. Blessings:)
Saturday, November 27
We're home :) But, boy, did we have fun :) Joseph Jr got to play in the snow and learn how to make a snow angel, check out the chickens and bunnies, ride on an ATV, not to mention hang out with his Aunt Karen, Uncle John, Uncle Jeremy, Pop Pop, Grandma, and more. I realized it's been 8 years since I've been there. It was a joy :) (It snowed the night before Thanksgiving)
Sunday, November 28
My son had so much fun in New Mexico, he didn't want to sleep too much. So last night he went to bed around 7:30pm and woke at 9am :)
Monday, November 29
Joseph Jr making a snow angel :) (at my Aunt Karen and Uncle John's house in New Mexico)
Joseph just told me that when he and our son were at the mall Sunday, Joseph Jr laid down near the escalators and proceeded to make a snow angel :)
Joseph Jr's second Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 30
Joseph Jr with blocks in his pjs :)
I had a great time last night at Ng's house :) Great games and people :) Thanks.
Joseph Jr blew bubbles for the first time today :)
Tuesday, November 2
I voted this morning :)
Thursday, November 4
My son woke up in the best mood today :) He slept through the night, didn't wake up once. 7:30am hit and I went to his room to find him still sleeping. He woke up soon after. It's amazing how much rest a mother can get when her baby sleeps well :)
Monday I was exhausted and went into Joseph Jr's for some reason. Well, he followed me in and went into his tent. I then decided to lay down on his bed. I proceeded to take a nap. He then got out and put his blanket on me and gave me his monkey and Elmo to sleep with. What a gent :)
Joseph Jr and I played checkers today. Well, it's more like he played with the checkers :)
I miss my students. They were such blessings in my life. I pray they are all doing well. They will always have a special place in my heart. I love them very much.
Joseph Jr has two Elmo bibs. I told him to pick one to wear for lunch. He couldn't chose, so he picked both. Now he won't take them off :)
My little man has been falling on various items cutting his lip and such. I just spotted this boo boo :(
Lovin' bath time :)
Fun with sidewalk chalk :)
Friday, November 5
My son was up at 3:15am this morning. Well, that's the time I first heard him. Who knows if that's when he actually woke up? I kept hearing him through the rest of the morning. Finally at 6:45am I decided to take a quick shower. At 7:05 I went in to get him up and he was sawing logs. So he finally fell asleep somewhere between 6:45am and 7:05am. I decided he needed his rest, so I left him in there :) The sleeping habits of a child are beyond me. Well, at least he won't be too bothered by his new baby brother or sister in February. Always have to look on the bright side :)
Joseph Jr and I just went grocery shopping. When we cam out of the store, he covered his eyes and said, "Bright!" And it was bright. The sun was shining right in our eyes :( What a smart little guy :)
Saturday, November 6
I was just thinking about camping last year with my family. At night we would gather around the campfire and tell stories or just talk. It was great :) But I also remember that my back was giving me a lot of trouble and my chair made it worse. That's when many of my family members with better chairs offered to switch me chairs. That made my time around the campfire so much more enjoyable and made me feel so loved. I have a wonderful, amazing family. Thank you :)
Monday, November 8
I've been given a few days w/o my little man to get my house organized and decluttered. I may need more than a few days but I'm working hard. My son's room is done minus taking down the crib. Next step is to work on the baby/spare room. I NEED your prayers. It's such a huge job, and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. Please pray :) thx
I'm going through baby clothes, trying to be a bit prepared for our little one. I'm thinking our baby is a girl due to no line on my belly this time. So I'm getting girl and non gender clothes ready. I'm so excited about this baby :) She's kicking me often :)
I think I'll be stopping for the night. My back needs a rest any way. Joseph's happy with our son's room but doesn't see any difference in the other room. That's ok. Whether he sees it or not, I know I put a good dent into it :)
Tuesday, November 9
JR.Vipers SUPERBOWL 11/07/2010 #2 - Way to go Jacob :)\
Wednesday, November 10
I got to the point of going through boxes in the other room. I didn't realize how many boxes I had with papers and such in them. It looks like that'll be a big part of my day, but when it's all done I will be so excited :) Wish me Godspeed :)
I was wrong about what I'd be doing today. Instead of going through the boxes, I was selling stuff at Kid to Kid, moving yard sale stuff to its corner and putting things in their places instead of the hallway or floor. I feel really good about what I did, but I still have a lot more to do. I'm glad I had three days. I don't think my sanity would last much longer. I'll take tomorrow day off and work on the rest a bit at a time :) With everything I was able to accomplish these last three days, the rest will be much easier to deal with :)
Thursday, November 11
Friday, November 12
My mom has been working with my son on potty training, so I continued it today. I even found a few potty songs to sing. I like the first one the best :) It definitely is rough training a child where to go potty when we trained them for 18 months that they should go potty in their pants :( I seriously think I will be working with my newest edition on potty training from the start. Of course the hardest part of that will be training me. - Maybe that's what I'm doing wrong. I'm going to wait a bit and try again in January. I think I'll have dad teach him how to pee standing up.
Saturday, November 13
It's been two days now Joseph Jr has slept till 7am :)
Sunday, November 14
Joseph Jr slept until after 8am today. He's only taking a two hour nap these days. Maybe that's how he's supplementing his lack of sleep during the day.
My husband has been able to feel the baby kick quite a bit now :) You can even see my belly jump at times :) I'm curious to see how Joseph Jr is going to respond when he sees/feels the baby kick :)
Monday, November 15
Joseph Jr slept again until almost 8am; however, I was awake for a bit during the night and heard him talking to himself intermittently. So I'm thinking he's been waking up every night like before without having full on conversations with himself. In any case, he's sleeping past 7am and no waking mom up. So I'm getting some much needed sleep :)
We watched a HORRIBLE movie yesterday! Joseph noticed the racial slurs, cussing, and smoking. I noticed the way the movie demeaned women and the drugs. I thought the movie was going to be about dancing. There was a little bit of dancing in there but not much to speak of. It was a HORRIBLE movie!!! That's what kept me up most of the night :( Saturday Night Fever (1977)
My son loves coloring. Since he likes eating crayons, he is only allowed to color with pens. Well, this morning as he was coloring, one of the pens exploded :( I hear I need hairspray to get the ink out of his clothes. I don't use hairspray :(
Joseph Jr saw a girl on tv twisting in her dress. He yells out, "Comfy!"
Joseph has decided it's time to change nicknames for our children. Joseph Jr, Bubby, will now be called Alpha. And the baby in my belly is known as Beta :) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_alphabet
Saturday, November 20
My son has gone back to waking early, so my rest is not great :(
Sunday, November 21
Joseph got up early with our son today, so I got to sleep in :) I gotta love that man.
I'm working on the last of the boxes of papers and such to sort. It's coming along but is taking much longer than I thought. Pray for God speed :)
Most of you know that I don't like Walmart and do almost everything I can not to go there. That being said, their Parents' Choice diapers are the best I've found. This is my son's diaper after drinking two cups of water/juice.
Monday, November 22
Joseph Jr eating a pretzel with his foot :)
My son loves "bumping" now :) He'd much rather bump than give a high five.
We Skyped with my dad and Bea Sunday. Joseph was excited to see them but pretty quiet. I think he'll get more talkative the more we use it :)
Fun with Colin today :)
Thursday, November 25
Blessings to all on this Thanksgiving Day :) Enjoy!
I love all my family and wish we could be in more than one place at a time. You're in our thoughts and prayers. Blessings:)
Saturday, November 27
We're home :) But, boy, did we have fun :) Joseph Jr got to play in the snow and learn how to make a snow angel, check out the chickens and bunnies, ride on an ATV, not to mention hang out with his Aunt Karen, Uncle John, Uncle Jeremy, Pop Pop, Grandma, and more. I realized it's been 8 years since I've been there. It was a joy :) (It snowed the night before Thanksgiving)
Sunday, November 28
My son had so much fun in New Mexico, he didn't want to sleep too much. So last night he went to bed around 7:30pm and woke at 9am :)
Monday, November 29
Joseph Jr making a snow angel :) (at my Aunt Karen and Uncle John's house in New Mexico)
Joseph just told me that when he and our son were at the mall Sunday, Joseph Jr laid down near the escalators and proceeded to make a snow angel :)
Joseph Jr's second Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 30
Joseph Jr with blocks in his pjs :)
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