Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ten on Tues.

1. Better late than never :)

2. Easter was fun :) Bubby enjoyed his first Easter.

3. I started playing Family Feud on FB; however, it only lets me play two games a day. So I can't get stuck on it for too long :)

4. The fan for our AC broke :( Joseph's been great at letting us keep the doors open to cool down the house. But that has created some allergy issues for me. I'm sneezing most of the day now :( We hope to get it fixed soon.

5. I was singing to my son, who loves my singing :) Gotta love kids. In any case, my husband was searching for something on hulu to play. I asked if he didn't want me to sing. He said, "No, I love you singing. I just don't like the hearing you singing."

6. Two of my cousins who are in the Navy joined us all for Easter. It was great to see them :) God bless those who serve!

7. Wow! After the first few weeks of my son's life, I never thought it would be easy to put him to bed for a nap. The past week or so has been heaven! I love my little man :)

8. My back is on the mend again :) I just have to keep my body's position in mind throughout the day. I'm able to do more small spurts. Yeah!

9. I finally started organizing the stuff in my bedroom. I put a big dent in it, but the on looker wouldn't be able to tell. That's ok. I know :)

10. Bubby LOVES being tickled :) His smile is so big and so infectious. If I'm having a difficult day, all I have to do is look at him and he brings life back into my day :)

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