1. I'll be changing this to Ten on Thursday starting next week.
2. It turns out Bubby had an ear infection in his right ear :( He's now on antibiotics for 10 days and has drops to help with the pain. The antibiotics are to end Saturday :)
3. We got our AC fixed the other day. Yeah :)
Rhoads was amazing! I called in the morning and they came out within a couple hours. Praise God! They did a great job. I highly recommend them.
4. I made sweet potato fries with cinnamon a couple days ago. I think I put too much cinnamon on them. But Bubby loved them :) I made sweet potato fries with salt. The ladies who came over for Ladies' Night loved them :) I had a bunch of apples that were ripe and needed to be used up ASAP. So I looked on line and found a easy baked sliced apples recipe. Bubby and I both love them :) Don't know if there will be any left for dad :)
5. When it rains it pours! But God is good :)
a. Last Fall we had to get a new roof (used the truck as collateral)
b. My back... need I say more (still working on that)
c. Our fan for our AC breaks (had enough in our emergency fund)
d. My truck breaks (Joseph had the truck; Bubby and I were home, thankfully) (It wasn't as expensive as we were afraid of. We had the money to cover it.)
We are all safe. That's what matters :)
6. I had Joseph try my baked apple slices and asked if he liked them. He said they're ok. So I asked if I'd ever be able to make anything he liked. He responded, "I like your spaghetti sauce so yes." He then stated that he's easy to please. I disagreed and asked how. There were five things. a) Season all of his meat except fish with Lawry's Seasoned Salt. He puts Lawry's on everything even popcorn. I pretty much despise the stuff because he uses it so much. b) my spaghetti c) my lasagna d) macaroni and cheese e)other pasta's with alfredo sauce. Later he told me that he also often likes chicken breasts and he'd like to eat more fish. The only thing completely healthy on his list is fish. I'll have to figure something out.
7. My son got his appetite back and is eating us out of house and home again :) Praise God!
8. So there was one really good thing that came out of our truck breaking down. Joseph attached Bubby's bike seat to my bike :) We just got back from a 20 minute ride. I so missed biking, and I forgot how good it feels to get your heart beating a bit. There will definitely be more bike rides to come this summer. Much more!

9. Ack!!! I found out we are over our minutes :( No talking for me until this weekend. I can receive texts and pix though.
10. Joseph switched the car out with the truck at lunch on Monday to get an oil change. He drove home after work and road his roller blades to pick up the car. It's only about four miles but he has to cross the freeway :( He's confident he'll remember most of what he forgot as he goes.
11. It has been over a week now since I got my cortisone shot. And I am feeling much better :) I still have times throughout the day where I have to lay down with my feet up and relax. More often than not when I do that my back pops back into place. That feels much better. I am still going to physical therapy to help strengthen my core muscles so I will hopefully not have to continue with the cortisone shots :) Praise God! I feel like a new person. I've even been able to keep the dishes pretty under control. Blessings to all.