Thursday, November 5, 2009

Stand and Fight

The first part of this year seemed to be plagued with sickness. My family and friends were caught on every side with one illness or another, some fighting for their lives. The plague finally seemed to subside just to be followed by my fight into motherhood. Through all the trials, I still knew I was blessed. Each day has been more and more wonderful. I couldn't ask for a better baby. The last half of this year my friends and family have been hit with marriage issues. Some are fighting. Some already quit. Some have reunited. I stand and pray for each of them. This verse came to mind.

Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

My marriage was a wreck from the start. I knew when I married it would be for life. So all I could do was pray and survive. At first I had to live minute by minute with a couple minutes full of happiness. Then I lived day by day, then week by week, and then month by month. The next thing I knew a year had passed without that aweful thought that I was stuck.

It's been almost two years now since I thought I was stuck. I couldn't ask for a better husband. Yes, we have our disagreements, nothing major. And we have our needed discussions, but I am loved. We both firmly believe that God is first, our spouse is second, and our children are next.

It didn't hit me that my husband and I could be an example for others until yesterday when a friend thanked me for being an example. All I did was say that I had to check with my husband first. The little things sometimes can be the makers or breakers of a relationship.

Joseph and I pray with eachother for eachother every day. That definitely starts the day off well. It's hard to be angry or bitter when you're praying for your spouse or hearing the other pray for you. About two years ago Joseph and I went to marriage counceling to deal with a bunch of little things. The most important thing we do other than keep God as our number one is desire to work on our marriage. Our marriage isn't perfect but it's closer to being perfect than it was yesterday : )

Stand and Fight. Marriage is worth it. May God have all the glory and honor.


Jamie Willow said...

very cool. I have read statistics that say if you pray together daily there is like zero chance of divorce. makes me want to pray! I have also heard that if you kiss your spouse every day it helps a lot too.

Carrie said...

Great post! Here is a website to share with hurting marriages It is full of resources on how to stand for your marriage.

Unknown said...

Wow, Catina! You expressed a lot in a small space. What an encouraging post for others to read. I agree with Jamie that praying together is paramount in a really healthy marriage. You and Joseph keep up the good work. Keep Jesus first!