(Flash back) I've been told many things about how to put a baby to sleep. Some told me to let the baby cry himself to sleep, but most told me that a baby younger than 6 months should never have to cry themselves to sleep. Not wanting to harm my baby, I chose to wait until JT was about 6 months before allowing him to cry himself to sleep.
JT is almost 3 months of age. I tried almost everything to get him to sleep yesterday. He woke at 3:30 am and wouldn't sleep again until 8:10 am while I was in the room with him. He woke less than one hour later. Then he took another nap after falling asleep breast feeding, but that only lasted about 30 minutes. Finally at 3 pm I had enough. He had to sleep. He was miserably tired. I couldn't put him through that any longer. He NEEDED to sleep. So I firmly told him that he was going to bed. I put him in his swaddler and laid him down. I prayed for him, gave him his pacifier and told him that he should not spit it out because I would not be back for a while. Then I left swiftly. I had music going and a video on so I didn't have to hear his cries. I decided I would wait 20-30 minutes. If he was still crying, I would go in and see if he needed to burp then put him down again and start all over. He really needed to sleep!!! About 10 minutes later it was silent. He slept until I woke him at 6 pm, 3 hours. I then put him down again about 7:30 pm. Again within 10 minutes he was asleep. He awoke at 5 am this morning and was wide awake. So I kept him up for an hour when he started yawning. I put him down and within 10 minutes he was asleep. He slept 2 hours. I changed him, fed him, and played with him. (I need to stay away from cheese :( He spit up a LOT.) I kept him up for about 2 hours hoping he would be done spitting up before I put him to bed again. I laid him down and guess what. Within 10 minutes he was asleep. I pray this continues.
I know every baby is different. My baby won't sleep with me around. He wants to be held and played with. He's so much like me it's uncanny : )
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