We took a couple days to ourselves. Then Thursday we opened our house to visitors. My mother came over and chauffeured me around to various stores to pick up some still needed baby stuff while Joseph and JT stayed home. Joseph’s mother and oldest sister came to our house and brought us food to last a few days.
Friday, I got a phone call about 9 o’clock, just as I was getting up. It was Joseph’s mom, Barbra. She just wanted to let me know that Tinky was on her way over. Well in about 40 minutes not only did Tinky show up but so did the majority of her household. They came over to clean. I was informed that I was not allowed to do anything except give directions/orders if need be. They cleaned until about 12:30 PM when we had to leave. What a blessing!
JT got circumcised that day. I wanted to watch, but the doctors preferred I not. They didn’t tell me I couldn’t be there, so I kept insisting. They finally agreed. Joseph watched too even though he didn’t want to. The doctor seemed to prefer Joseph be there with me. The surgery was amazing. There were a few steps: two needles for numbing, indentation, separation, tube, overlap, and cut. The doc said it cuts like chicken skin. While she did the surgery, I was in charge of keeping the binky in JT’s mouth. The binky was first dipped in a rock candy like syrup. She said it helps sooth the babies. All went well. The thing JT liked the least was having his legs strapped down.
Saturday, was JT’s first family outing. We went to my cousin Joseph’s going away party. JT was passed from person to person until it was time to go. That night Niki and her boys came to see JT for the first time.
Sunday was Mother’s Day. We went to my mom’s church so she could show off her grandbaby. It was mentioned in the sermon that being a mom was the hardest job. Joseph disagreed. He thinks a person who works on an oil rig has a more difficult job. I couldn’t do anything but laugh. We eventually agreed to disagree. That night we met up with some dance friend’s that were in town and wanted to meet JT.
The three of us stayed at JT’s Grandma and Pop Pop’s house from Sunday through Saturday. It was nice having some help during the day while Joseph was at work. I was able to take a shower every morning. The help in the evening was nice as well. Friday night Grandma and Pop Pop sent Joseph and me away on a date. They really just wanted JT to themselves. During our stay, JT started becoming more visually aware of what was around him. He started following things with his eyes. Thursday, JT, his grandma, fun grandma, and I all went to eat for JT’s first time at a real restaurant. The Matador’s air conditioning was broken, so we ate outside. The lack of AC just made the event more memorable.
Sunday was pretty much a blur as Joseph & my day alone with JT after a week with Mom and Bob. Then Monday comes. Oh my goodness! That was my first day alone with JT. Well, I prepared breakfast, cereal, and lunch, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, while JT screamed. Other than that time and approximately 15 minutes of him sleeping in his bouncer, I was on the couch with him the entire day. He would eat then fall asleep. As soon as I put him down, he would start crying. If I let him cry for about two minutes, he would then begin to scream as if someone was trying to hurt him. And he wouldn’t stop screaming until I fed him again. Once he ate, he’d spit it all back up. I began to worry that he might be sick since he was spitting up so much. I looked on line to find out more about spit up. I had always heard that when a baby is no longer hungry, the baby will stop eating. Not my son! The internet mentioned that spit up is most often due to air bubbles or too much food. Babies’ stomachs are really small and if there is no more room, the food comes back up. I was relieved to read that information. Now I just need to figure out who long to let him cry when he’s not hungry, dirty, or in pain, so he doesn’t get spoiled.
Oh my goodness, I love that picture!! What a wild adventure those first few weeks are, right? I completely understand the body image thing. I had quite a few crying spells myself. But look at the reason for all the bloating, swelling, discomfort and sleeplessness....JT, a beautiful baby boy!!! Love you much!
Yep. I would do it all over again. He is well worth it : )
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