Friday, January 21, 2011

Ten Today

1.  I'm in search of a Nursing Nest Pillow.  If you could help me find one and get it, I would be forever grateful :)

2.  I just caught up on over 2 months of journaling :)

3.  Potty-Training seems to have taken a turn for the better.  Five things he enjoys:  peeing on a tree, peeing in a jar, peeing in the toilet, antioxidants or chocolate covered blueberries, and chocolate covered M&Ms that come out of a gum ball machine after he puts a coin in it.

4.  The yard sale last Saturday went good.  It was nice being able to hang out with the girls :)

5.  The house is for the most part organized.  Praise God!  And boy does it feel good :)

6.  I have recently finished reading, "Supernatural Childbirth".  I strongly recommend it :)

7.  I am now working on the book, "Infant Potty Training".  I am really excited about this endeavor :)

8.  One of my favorite baby shower "games" is guessing when the baby will be born and such.  Since I'll be having a Welcome Home Baby Ivy open house after the baby is born, I won't be able to play my favorite game.  So I figured I'd play it with all of my FB friends.

Number your responses with the appropriate question :)  

1.  What is the baby's gender?
2.  What date will the baby be born?
3.  What time will the baby be born?
4.  What will the baby's weight at birth be? (this question was added late)
5.  What will the baby's length be?

The following is for those that would like a little more information:

The baby is due February, 23.  My son came two days early via c-section due to complications.  Both of these pregnancies have been very different.  I am planning on having a Vbac.  I am not allowed to be induced since I had a previous c-section.  My son weighed 8lbs 11 oz and was 21 1/2 in. long.  If you have any further questions, please ask :)

Thanks for playing!

‎1. girl
2. February 23
3. 10:23 am
4. 7lbs 11 oz
5. 20 in.

9.  Wednesday, I will be 9 months pregnant.  Only four more weeks to go then.

10.  I love my son's curly hair.  I definitely prefer it this length :)

January Journal

Saturday, January 1

Last night was a blast! Thanks to all those who came and shared their night with us. I remember now why I enjoy Game Night so much and why I dread it the next morning :) However, this morning I didn't dread it. Thanks to all those that helped clean up last night :) And thank you to everyone who brought food to share. It was all delicious, such a variety. Love you all. Have a fabulous New Year!

Every Game Night I mean to take pix and usually forget. Last night wasn't much different other than placing my camera in front of me at the beginning of the evening. At least I remembered a couple times :)

Having Game Night at my house actually helped me get my dining room organized :) (First pic of the new year.)

My son had a blast with everyone last night and enjoyed his share of the delicious food :) He stayed up until 8:30 and slept in until 7:40am. Then started his nap at 12pm. He's still sleeping. That boy must have been worn out. I'm sure the teething and growing has something to do with it too :)
He woke from his nap just before 4pm today. Did he sleep so long do to a growth spurt? hmm... He might be switching to 3T clothes sooner than expected.

No matter how many times I tell my son that the guy is not his grandpa, he is Satchel Paige, Joseph still says, "Grandpa," every time he sees this book.

Sunday, January 2

I definitely think my son is going through another growth spurt. New Year's Eve he slept from 8:30pm-7:40am New Year's day. Then took a nap from 12-4pm. Then slept from 7pm-8:20am. Now he's taking a nap from 1pm-who knows when. I'll be getting him up about 4pm if he doesn't wake before that. I don't mind the long hours of sleep :)
For about 4 months there I wished I could just get him to sleep. He just started sleeping through the night again last week. He did wake today at 3:40pm. I am loving my son more and more every day. I didn't realize it was possible :)

Monday, January 3

At 2am this morning I thought my son's growth spurt was done and he was reverting back to waking up very early again :( Then he put himself back to sleep. He woke again around 5am and did the same. It's now 8am and he's still sleeping :) So I guess my earlier conclusion was wrong. We start potty training next week. So this may be a good thing... He'll wake up to go pee and put himself back to sleep :)
He woke a little after 8am and then took a two hour nap this afternoon :)

Tuesday, January 4

This morning he woke around 6am. That's still not bad. I just don't want him waking earlier than that :)

Wednesday, January 5

I just read this from The Bump: Bet you didn’t know: Being even just 1-percent dehydrated can mess with your metabolism and slow your weight loss. Not sure when you’re dehydrated? Believe it or not, by the time you even feel thirsty, you already are. Carry a water bottle with you and drink up throughout the day to avoid dehydration altogether.

My son is still up. He's laughing and giggling. What is going on in his tent? I hope he goes to sleep soon and sleeps till 8am :)

Thursday, January 6

My son finally fell asleep around 9:30pm and woke shortly after 5am. I guess he'll be needing an early nap today. I pray he sleeps at least two hours to help make up for his lack of night time sleep :)

Baby and I are good. But she's getting to big for me :( I'm waking every two hours to pee. So sleep is not really on the agenda :( But Joseph Jr let me take a nap today :) He's so good to mommy.

Jesus in Every Book of the Bible

Friday, January 7

Joseph Jr and I stopped by CW today and got to say hi to a few of the staff and students :) It was a nice visit although short. Maybe next time we'll be able to see the ones we missed. Love you all.

I love my son :) I just finished reading to him. He gave me a kiss and then called Daddy as he ran off to bed. He's getting easier and easier to put down at night. Gotta love it :)

Sunday, January 9

Joseph Jr is one amazing child :) A couple days ago I started having him pick up all his toys before eating or going to bed or just when I said. He's doing an amazing job. He is often putting them away before I even ask. Usually he'll put a book away before getting a new one to read. Gotta love this boy :)

Monday, January 10

We're having a yard sale at my house this Saturday. There will be stuff from at least three families. If you'd like to join in or come by to see what you could purchase, please do :) Blessings.

I know my son is growing but I just picked him up and felt like I as picking up a four year old. What's up with that?!

Tomorrow begins the REAL potty training deal. No more diapers after tonight come rain or shine :) I feel he's ready now.

Friday, January 14

In response to my dad's posting about snow in VT:   I wish we were there in the snow :) It might help Joseph Jr to potty train faster when he sees the snow turn colors from his pee :) 

I haven't been on the computer since Monday. And I probably won't be able to check on everyone for a while. As I've told a few others, "Ask me how potty training is going when it's done. I might burst into tears if I talk about it now." That is my reason for absence on FB and email. Blessings :)

Yard Sale tomorrow at my house. There will be at least four families bringing their stuff to sell as well as there being delicious homemade banana bread for sale. I hope you all can join us :)

Saturday, January 15

The morning was pretty good. The afternoon was back breaking. And the evening was full of stress and pee. My fuse is shorter than it's ever been in my life :( Please pray that I stop stressing over pee and poop. I love my son dearly and he deserves a mommy that's calm. Thanks :) Oh, I'm going to bed. Hopefully I'll catch up on the sleep I've been missing. That should help with the stress level too :)

Sunday, January 16

I woke more rested :) Joseph woke up soaked but then he went pee and poo in the potty :) We sat there for a little while, but he did it :) Then the stress came back full force. We had three accidents :( And then just before my husband awoke, the stress was gone and peace came in regards to potty training. Thanks for all your prayers and well wishes.
He switched from diapers to big boy underpants, not training pants, last Tuesday. I've decided I'm NOT going back to diapers for him. He gets stickers for going pee/poo in the potty and suckers if he keeps his underpants dry and goes pee/poo in the potty :)

I will be 9 months pregnant a week from Wednesday :) I thought this last trimester was going by so slow. Before I know if our new little one will be here :)

Monday, January 17

I don't remember ever seeing this pic before. That was a long time ago.

Thursday, January 20

Loving the new life of no diapers :)
The past few days of potty-training have been sooooo much better :) He actually wants to go pee in the toilet. Of course he does this mostly because he wants to get a treat, but he still does it :) He still has pee accidents, two yesterday and one today thus far. I'm praying no more pee accidents today or ever for that matter :) Oh, I'm not counting waking up from his night time sleep wet. I think that one will take a bit of time. He still doesn't seem to know when he has to pee, but he'll go often enough so it's not usually an issue. We even went to a restaurant yesterday. No accidents :) He peed before we left, when we got there, before we left for home, and after we arrived home. A friend told me about peeing in a jar. It works wonderful for boys :) Now poo is another issue. But since he's older, it's easier to clean up. It's hit or miss whether or not he tells me he's pooed. So that's our main focus of treats now... He does love his underpants :) Thank you so much, Mom, for ALL your help. I would have lost my mind without it. Thank you, Bob, for your support too. And thank you, Love, for your help and time last weekend and in the future.

Joseph came and told me, "Pee pee in the potty," all on his own :) I figured that deserved an 'antioxidant' or a chocolate covered blueberry :)

My son just found a new game. He fell on the floor and I said, "Boom!" Now he wants to do it over and over again :)

My son has been putting things in my glass of water, usually when it is empty. I've been working with him on not doing that. He's getting better. But just now he put his full sippy cup into my full glass of water. It sank while my water went everywhere. Thankfully my computer sits on a think lap board or you wouldn't be getting this message right now.

Younger Years
Always stylish :)

Friday, January 21

One of my favorite baby shower "games" is guessing when the baby will be born and such.  Since I'll be having a Welcome Home Baby Ivy open house after the baby is born, I won't be able to play my favorite game.  So I figured I'd play it with all of my FB friends.

Number your responses with the appropriate question :)  

1.  What is the baby's gender?
2.  What date will the baby be born?
3.  What time will the baby be born?
4.  What will the baby's weight at birth be? (this question was added late)
5.  What will the baby's length be?

The following is for those that would like a little more information:

The baby is due February, 23.  My son came two days early via c-section due to complications.  Both of these pregnancies have been very different.  I am planning on having a Vbac.  I am not allowed to be induced since I had a previous c-section.  My son weighed 8lbs 11 oz and was 21 1/2 in. long.  If you have any further questions, please ask :)

Thanks for playing!

1. girl
2. February 23
3. 10:23 am
4. 7lbs 11 oz
5. 20 in.

Joseph told me before he had to pee and went in the potty :) So he got an "antioxidant". :)

I was over two months behind on my journaling. I just caught up. It's a good thing for FB. I forgot most of it :)

Saturday, January 22

My son has been saying a prayer at meal time for quite some time now. It started out as... "Jesus, bless this food. Amen." Now it is... "Jesus, bless this food and my family. Amen." Every once in a while we add something to it. He's such a big boy :)
He is just shy of 21 months... He repeats after me. I brake it up as follows: Jesus... bless this food... and our family... Amen

I finally found a Nursing Nest Pillow on The shipping price is ridiculous, but it seems I'll have to pay it to get this item. I think it will make my baby's and my nursing experience so much better :)

Sunday, January 23

Well, I definitely have swollen legs, but my ankles are still a bit noticeable if you look really close. I'm hoping the baby will be born in three to five weeks :)

Monday, January 24

My son had a rough night. He woke twice, once at 12am and once at 4:30am, completely soaked. He ended up sleeping until 8am. That allowed me to clean the playroom :) I feel so much better after getting that done :)
I'm thinking about cloth pull-ups.

Christmas Eve with my god mother :)

Colin & Joseph :)
They did laugh a lot yesterday :) They played a simple flashlight game. Joseph would turn the flashlight on near his eyes and then bring it down away from his face. At that time, they would both laugh hysterically. That continued for about 10 min. The simple joys of children...

Tuesday, January 25

Joseph Jr woke last night around 1am soaked. Then he proceeded to talk until well after 3:30am. I, however, was able to sleep through most of this :) I'll have to wake him in an hour due to my ob appt. It's getting close :)

I don't want to resort to diapers for night time. He's learning. It's just going to take some time for him to realize what's happening at night. It's not hurting him in any way, so we'll stick to it. However, I have an idea that will help lessen how soaked he gets. I'll let you know about it after I try it for a few days :) Blessings to all.

Thursday, January 27

I started working with my son on counting to three, but he went further and counted to five. So I worked with on counting to five, and then yesterday out of the blue he counts to seven. I guess I'll just work with him on counting to ten :)

Major set back today with potty-training!!! He's already peed two or three times and pooed twice in his pants. The last three times were less than one-half an hour apart from each other :( It started out nice since he slept through the night until 5:30am. I pray that it ends on a great note :)
I'm now thinking there is some teething thing or something going on as he pooed again but this time during his nap time.
I need to remember that he is on the young side for potty training. He really does quite well most of the time. We were at my Aunt Stella's yesterday evening. It was a different environment and he had a lot of kids to play with but he did not have any accidents :)

Saturday, January 29

I was very much looking forward to spending the day with my husband and son. Joseph was going to BBQ for lunch and dinner :) However, he got a phone call to dj a wedding this afternoon. The dj cancelled last minute. Don't get me wrong, it's nice that he has this gig. I'd just like to have one full day with just our family and no other distractions. I hope that can happen before our new little one is born.
We only have a few weeks left before the big day. So I'm praying.

We went to Target and bought some plastic pants. We'll see how they work tonight :)

‎9 months prego last Wednesday. Only a few weeks to go.

Aunt Lisa

Joseph just took these pix tonight.
Sunday, January 30

My son just took his wood puzzle pieces and started putting them in his bucket. But as he is putting them in he is counting them. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven :) Wow!

Monday, January 31

Colin & Joseph's play date

Joseph Jr just went poo in the potty for the first time not by accident :)