Sunday, July 25, 2010

10 on Thurs, no Sunday

1. Joseph Jr had a great time at swim lessons :) Next year, he'll be a little pro :) Now he loves all water time, bath time, kiddie pool time. He still hasn't mastered bubbles yet, but he keeps trying :)

2. My son's new favorite word... uh oh :)

3. We had/have ants! I hate those things. We usually get them in our kitchen once a year, but we've been blessed the last couple years. This time they entered through my hallway. The kitchen ones are pretty easy to get rid of but the hallway ones are a REAL pest. A couple nights ago, I used a Borax mixture. The next morning we had about 10% of the ants left. By last night there were just a few here and there. This morning I've found less than five. By the next day they were all gone just to return a couple days later in my son's room.

Joseph Jr woke up and I picked him up and laid him on a changing pad on a twin bed by his crib. I had just washed his diapers the night before and forgotten to get a diaper cover. So I left. After returning quickly, I noticed the ants all over his bed. I quickly picked him up and took him to my room where my husband was still sleeping. I frantically told my husband all about it. He just rolled over and went back to sleep. Oh, man! I finally got my son changed, and I went to assess the situation. The ants were all over his bed with a few on the floor searching for more to eat. I got the vacuum which I hadn't yet put away from the other ant issue and began to vacuum. To my horror my son walks in front of the vacuum and sits down! I freak out and move him to an area with no ants. Once I finished vacuuming, I made more Borax mixture and placed it in front of his bedroom door. I have no idea where the ants came from or where they went, but when we returned later that afternoon not one ant was seen. Later, I looked back on the situation and realized they had probably found some crumbs from a pretzel my son had been eating while being changed. No more of that.

4. My son is so cute. Here I am wearing shorts and sitting. My son comes over and kisses my knees :)

5. Joseph Jr played on his play set and swung in his swing attached out front for the first time today :) Loved them both. We weren't out too long. It's HOT out there!!! (July 14)

6. Some more words...

button = belly button
choes = shoes
boo = boom
ops = oops
uh oh = uh oh

nos = nose
Iya= eyes

I love my little man :)

7. My son hates cow's milk but enjoys almond milk. I tasted and have to agree that it is better :) But more expensive :( Good thing he likes water better :) Maybe I spoke too soon about the Almond Milk. Joseph Jr and I had some for lunch. I drank mine up quickly and had to hold back all temptation of drinking his. He kept saying, "Water." I said, "No, it's milk." I even showed him what it looked like. He still continued to say water, so I drank his milk and gave him water. He guzzled it :) At least his favorite drink is the best for him :) He did drink some almond milk yesterday. I just had to put it in a cup, not sippy cup.

8. Yesterday, my son was sitting on my lap and wanted more of my attention. So he swung his arm at me as he often does when he wants my attention or is upset. This time he had a cell phone in his hands. My nose still hurts! (July 21)

9. During Joseph Jr's nap today, he some how managed to lock himself in his room. I didn't realize that until he woke about an hour later. I quickly became frantic. We're at my Mom and Bob's and I don't know where any of the tools are in the garage. I call Gregor, but his phone is on the fritz and he can't hear a word I'm saying. Finally, after three or four attempts to talk to him, I call Brien. He thankfully could hear me and knew where the tools were. Within five seconds of trying to unlock the door, my son was freed :) Sigh of relief..... (July 21)

10. A message sent to my mom and Bob: Wow, do you ever have crickets! And it seems they like to come out at night. Well, first things first :) I walked in your house and a dead cricket is there to greet me. Later, I get Joseph Jr up from his nap and there on the bed is a dead moth. So far, no big deal :) Now Joseph's asleep in bed and the boys leave. It's just me from about 8:30 on. Well, I take that back, me and the crickets. I don't know how many I killed that night in the living room. If I had to guess, I'd say about six. I also got one or two in the bathroom. Here's the fun part. I pull back the covers to go to bed. Do you know what happened?! A cricket was wanting to share the bed with me. Well, I took care of that. That one will never try to impose upon a married woman again. What did he think he was doing?! I am very committed to my man.

Friday, July 9, 2010

10 on Thursday

1. I haven't written much on FB this week. I usually get my points from there. I guess I'll just have to use my memory. Uh, oh! I hope pregnancy brain doesn't kick in :)

2. Some of my cousins and our families went to a splash park last Thursday. It was our first time there. Thanks to Ricky all the kids got to enjoy the water a little bit at least. He picked each one up and took them around to get sprayed by the many sprayers :) They finally started getting braver just before we left. Isn't that how it always works :)

3. Joseph and I decided to get a patio and maybe a porch put onto our house. I was first going to re-stucco our house, then put in new windows/door, and finally put up a patio and porch. We found out we were doing it all backward :) We should get some estimates in a couple of weeks. I can't wait!

4. I enjoyed lunch Saturday at Chipotle with a friend I haven't seen in a while :) Then we went to see the new Twilight movie. I think that one is my favorite thus far. We had a great time and decided we need to get together more often.

5. A bunch of us went to my cousin Theresa's to see her new place. It's great :) Her parents, especially her mom, did so much work on it. She was ever so grateful. Then we went to Karaoke which also dueled as a send off for Kristen. Her husband is being stationed in another state. But at least he's back in the states :)

6. We had our 4th of July BBQ Sunday. It was a small gathering due to a birthday party, a dance convention, and a family reunion all falling on that day/weekend. That's ok. It was really nice :) I enjoyed everyone who came. My husband did a great job on the bbq. Thanks, Love ;)

7. Monday, my mom and Bob had a BBQ at their house. It was fun. Joseph Jr. enjoyed playing with all his cousins both days :)

8. Joseph Jr started swim lessons Monday. He's doing pretty good. His favorite part is playing with the spongy block. My first cousin, Monique, is his teacher. She's great :) Jesse, Monique's sister, helps out. She does a great job too :)

9. Girls' Night was Thursday night. It was great having my young girl cousins over. They watched movies late into the night while I slept :) My mom came over and helped thankfully :) We had homemade waffles in the morning. Joseph Jr had a blast with them all morning. I even let him skip his morning nap. But by 12:30pm he was ready for a nap. The afternoon wasn't as fun for him as the rest of us were doing things where he wasn't the center of attention. However, he still enjoyed his day with the girls. Thanks, Ladies :)

10. We bought a kiddie pool with a shade/sprinkler on top. It was horrible. We set it up but never used it. It just never worked. Today we got an alligator pool with spray. Joseph Jr and the girls loved it :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

10 on Thursday


My son woke at 10:45pm the other night and wouldn't go back to sleep. Finally around 2am, I let him down to see what he wanted. He started for the kitchen when he got scared and turned to me. So I picked him up and showed him the house while explaning that it was night time and we should both be asleep. I laid him back down and placed a post it note over his humidifier light to make it a little darker in there. He then went to sleep. He woke the next morning extremely cranky though. Finally at 8:30 I realized he must be exhausted so down he went. He slept for a while. My little angel. I'd like to say I got a lot done, but I was mostly on the computer catching up on my blogging and such.


My son is ready for the 4th of July :)


Bubby found a new seat :)


My son accidentally spilled his cereal snack. I told him to pick it up. And do you know what he did right away. He picked it up :) That's my boy!


My son gets along with everyone pretty well. However, when it comes to his cousin Colin, he likes him so well he wants to play with everything Colin plays with. He doesn't understand that taking things from Colin is not playing with him. He is getting a LOT better. But still has a way to go :) My son is also not very affectionate. He has began to give hugs a little more but usually when someone else initiates it. Well, as I observed my son and Colin just a few minutes ago, my son gave Colin not one but three hugs :) He was very gentle about it too :) As I was picking a picture, Joseph Jr gave Colin two more hugs. I love them both so much. What blessings they are :)


Well, I received my nap time and overnight training pants that I ordered. However, the Potty Scotty training system that I ordered is on back order. They say I will hopefully get it the end of July. Well, I guess there's nothing for me to do but wait :(


I made homemade blueberry oatmeal muffins the other day. The boys really enjoyed them, but my nephew missed a few which fell in his lap. Getting rid of the stain, hmmm... It worked!


Thank you to all my friends who wished me a happy birthday :) Love you all. Many Blessings :)


February 24, 2011

10. 4th of July BBQ at out house. I have mixed feelings about it. hmmm... I'm sure it will be fun.