Monday, December 29, 2008


I first felt my baby move/kick a week ago last Friday. After that, I felt him move every other day. But as of yesterday, my baby has been moving quite a bit : ) He's still not kicking hard enough for his daddy to feel the kick, but it shouldn't be too long now : )

Sunday, December 28, 2008

I Think I Overdid It...

Last night was Game Night, so I was cleaning and getting ready for it all day. I took two half hour breaks due to the pain in my back and feet. The breaks helped enough for me to continue with the work. When people arrived and we played games, I was ok as long as I was sitting. Whenever I had to get up, my back ached. I felt like an old woman. My husband and I picked up after everyone left around 1 am. Then I sat down for a bit and fell asleep on the couch. A couple hours later I woke up with Joseph working on his computer. I decided it was time for me to go to bed. I got up and almost fell over. Joseph came over quickly and had me grab onto his shoulders as I scooted behind him to bed. I prayed that I would be better when I woke up, but I didn't have much hope of that. Thankfully I am better today. I am able to walk all on my own : )

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

You've Gotta Be Kidding...

Ok. I get pregnant and find out quickly that ones bb get larger during pregnancy. Alright, I start out as a C, shortly after getting pregnant I have to wear a D. Not too bad. I can handle that. Then a couple weeks later, I have to buy DD. Ok. Ok. I'm not too happy about that, but I'll deal. Not two weeks later, the bras are too small. I gave up. I bought XL sports bras. I decided to stick with those until around 8 months. Well, I'm at the end of my 5th month and I realize I should have bought XXL. But I'm still determined to make the XL bras work.

Well, today my honey takes me shopping for a New Years Eve dress. No surprise, I don't have any dresses at home that fit : ) Picture this. I'm trying on dresses, but remember I only have sports bras. After about 1 1/2 hours, I decide I'll take the dress that can only be described as the best of the evils. Obviously, I need a new bra. So that takes about another 1/2 hour. The one thing that was nice about getting a regular bra that fits is that the dress looks nice. I now am a proud owner of an F. No, that was not a typo. All I can say is, I now understand why women with biggins' more often than not have major cleavage showing.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

More Kicking

I didn't feel the baby kick at all yesterday, but I used the baby heartbeat monitor and others were able to here his heartbeat : ) One of my young nephews told me how much he enjoyed that. It was cool.

This morning while laying in bed snuggling with my honey, the baby started kicking away. I finally asked Joseph if he could feel it. He couldn't, but it probably won't be too much longer before he does feel our little one moving around : )

Friday, December 19, 2008

First Kick

I was praying for a friend after reading her email when my baby kicked. He kicked twice. Then I pressed on my belly and he kicked again. That time I felt the kick on my fingers. Yeah : )

My mom told me the other day that my brother and I only moved once a day. Who knows, maybe that's what my baby will do. As long as he's healthy, I can deal with whatever comes my way.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dr. Appt Today

I'm doing well. I haven't had swelling in my legs since Friday. Yeah : ) My doctor's not worried. He said if there is swelling in my hands and face, that calls for concern. He figures it might have been my eating Thanksgiving ham that caused the swelling. Ham has LOTS of salt. I guess I never thought of it before but it makes sense.

I finally succumbed to buying a donut today. I have yet to use it, but it'll probably help with my tailbone pain. I can hear my students talking to their parents about my donut habit. Oooh. Maybe I'll get donuts for Christmas : ) No, I don't need those. I already gained way too much weight over the Thanksgiving holiday. Ugh!!! What's up with this pregnancy thing?! Before being pregnant, I was really good about limiting my sugar intake. Now I can't seem to get enough sugar.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Little More about the Swelling

So I've been dealing with water weight in my legs for a few days now. It turns out it could be more serious than I expected. The water weight gain isn't scary in itself. It happens to a lot of pregnant women but later in pregnancy. Since mine has occured really early in my pregnancy, it has raised concern in many people. Some have mentioned toxemia. Others have mentioned blood clots.

On Thursday, my left leg was in a great amount of pain. So I called my doctor. The nurse practitioner asked me many questions and told me what to do. She didn't seem too concerned at that point; however, if the pain got worse, I needed to go to the hospital right away. Thankfully it did not get worse. That night I was told to elevate my legs above my heart, not to eat salt, nor cross my legs. She also wanted me to sleep on my right side to try to move the baby toward that side to even things out. Oh and no leg massages. When I told my husband about the no leg massages, he got really excited until I told him that it was ok for me to still get foot massages.

The next morning the swelling had gone down a bit to show a slight difference between my calfs and ankles. But later that morning, the swelling was back and possibly worse. Some teacher friends told me I should get my blood pressure taken just in case. I did and it was normal. But the nurse said she'll take my blood pressure twice a week just to keep an eye on it. I think that's a good idea. Last night I lay with my legs elevated for a couple hours. Then ate and played games with a friend and her husband. After they went home, I lay with my legs elevated for a couple more hours. This morning I looked at my ankles. They were back. I have ankles again : ) Of course I am still laying with my legs elevated, but at least there's hope : )

I'll see my doctor Tuesday. We'll see what he says then.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Weight Gain

I know that pregnant women gain weight. It's natural. Water weight gain is something different. I took my wedding band off about a month ago as it was fitting snuggly on my finger. No big deal, my fingers swell when I'm hot. I expected that. But the other day, I was wearing my socks. What was so odd and saddening about this was that those socks left a very pronounced indentation in my leg. What's up with that?! To top it all off, I asked my husband for a foot massage today. As I was picking up my feet, I realized I had all of the sudden misplaced my ankles. Yes, my ankles. I'm a little concerned, seeing as I am only 19 weeks. What's next? No more knees, elbows, what!!! Yah and this is not without pain. Ah, the aches and pains of pregnancy. And I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Big Ultra Sound Appointment

We went to the doctor's for an ultra sound Monday. This is the first time Joseph got to see our baby. He was good. He held my hand the whole time. He even made me laugh, but that's not a good thing when having an ultra sound : ) The baby kept hiding his face. He did give us a thumbs up which showed us he is Joseph's child; the thumb went back a little further than most people's thumbs.

The doctor did notice that the cord only had two strands instead of three. He has an artery and a vein strand instead of two arteries and a vein strand. The doc said not to worry. He'll give the information to my ob/gyn and if there are any concerns they'll make another follow up appointment. They say it's not uncommon. A friend at work reminded me the other day that God is in control. I'll leave the worrying to the worriers. Thank the Lord I am not one of them, but I need to make sure I keep it that way. Worrying really isn't a help anyway : )

That night I sent out a text message to some friends and family. It read as follows:

It's official. It's a...
(after scrolling down a bit, they read)
baby : ) We haven't changed our minds. We're still waiting.

I was called a tease. Can you believe that?! : )

Oh. One more thing. According to my due date, I was 8 weeks 4 days. According to the size of my baby I was 9 weeks 2 days. That's not a big deal as long as the dates are within 10 days of each other in either direction. The baby was measured to be 9 oz.